The Top 10 Most Dangerous Places In The World

The world is an awesome place. It is as vast as you can imagine and as close as the click of a mouse through the internet. If you have never traveled around this fine globe then your imagination can only take you’re so far. In this article I am going to share with you the top ten most dangerous places in the world.

The War in Iraq

Of course one of the most dangerous places on earth is always a war torn areas. The war in Iraq was quite violent. The death rate is still high. Travels to war regions are forbidden.


Conflict in Somalia

There are places in the world where children carry guns and kill for territory. There are conflict wars and countries that are extremely torn countries. The Conflict in Somalia involves pirates, warlords, and plenty of weaponry. Somalia is very hazardous for any westerner to visit. The most dangerous place in Somalia is the capital city of Mogadishu.


Wars in Chechnya

The Russian Army devastated Chechnya. The region is extremely dangerous to this day.

Wars_in _Chechnya

Terrorism in Afghanistan

The world knows about terrorism on a whole new scale since 911. Afghanistan has seen moreconflict than any other place on earth. For the last thirty year’s there has been conflict there. The Taliban has lashed a reign of terror on the world like never seen before. Al-Qaeda is another example of terrorism at its best. It is still a major problem that no one seems to be able to solve completely.


Gangs in Nigeria

Gangs are all over the world; however the gangs in Nigeria have earned a reputation of extreme horror. Crude oil is behind the war there and the extremist group known as book Haram won’t give up the fight. They rob, pillage, steal, and kill, at will. They are responsible for sex trafficking and kidnapping just to name a couple of their crimes. Travel warnings have been issued, warning American citizens not to travel to this country at the present time.
