Abused Pit Bull Found Crammed In Bird Cage And Left For Dead

You may have thought from time to time that putting birds in cages is restricting for them. Wait until you see a dog trapped in a birdcage. That’s right, a Pit Bull, in a cage!

This dog, ironically named Birdie, was left alone in Oakland Park inside a birdcage. Thankfully, Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation came to Birdie’s help. One of the members of the foundation, Gina Vlasek described her feelings on seeing Birdie for the first time: “It was probably one of the most pathetic pictures that I’ve ever seen. She looked so sad. I have no idea how they even got her inside there because the door was so tiny,”

Pit Bull birdie rescue

After freeing her, they realized the terrible condition the dog was in. Birdie was clearly abused. She was used to breeding multiple times and thrown away once she was not needed. She had mange all over her as well as many open wounds. Her skin was so sensitive that it would bleed with a soft touch. She was malnourished, in fact, she was so thin that one could see her bones.

Pit Bull birdie rescue

In time, with proper care, her wounds started to heal, and she gained weight. Only some of her wounds were not healing which, after many tests done by Doctor Friedbauer at Royal Palm Veterinary Hospital, was discovered to be due to Birdie’s being allergic to dust mites and water.

Pit Bull birdie rescue

Not only animal lovers but also Dr. Friedbaeur helped out with her medical bills. The rescue Foundation is very thankful to them as they state: “Dr. Friedbauer has graciously sponsored Birdies allergy testing and allergy treatments and given us a HUGE break on the bill! Thank you to everyone at Royal Palm VH for being so wonderful to our sweet girl and helping us to get her healthy.”

Now Birdie is living in a foster home, under the care of a dog trainer until she is fully recovered so that she can be up for adoption for a loving family.

Pit Bull birdie rescue