Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal

Ever wanted to know what it was like to see something from the point of view of an animal?  Well, now you can experience that in real time with real, stunning results.  In The Eyes of an Animal is a brand new experience that allows animal lovers to take part in realistic 3D experience in Grizedale Forest, UK.  On this adventure, you place your head into a high tech portal that allows you to embody different kinds of animals and see the world from their view.  You can also experience the feeling and sight of flying above the trees and looking at extremely high definition pictures of insects and other animals.  This is a very exciting and futuristic virtual reality experience that is all about helping us see the world from other’s point of view – quite literally.  Though it is strange at first to accustom to, this program really help us understand that animal world just a bit better, and have appreciation for what both they and we can see on a daily basis. Check out the video, below, to get a taste for this amazing new technology.

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Eyes of an Animal

Eyes of an Animal

Eyes of an Animal

Eyes of an Animal

Eyes of an Animal

Eyes of an Animal