20+ Adorable Cats Who Have Unique Appearance Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Take a look at these lovely cats whose unique marks and fur patterns were created by nature and had no help from Photoshop. 1. A Valentine’s day kitty saintleelyon 2. These ocean eyes pixelcowboy 3. A cat with another cat on their face TOKAITRICK_bot 4. The cutest vampire alive vladgrinch 5. A cat with a chessboard on its face bsInCells 6. When the cat factory ran out of ink: AWU_Hades 7. He looks like Groucho. juanthemad 8. “My parents’ cat has a half and half face. The color of her gums is also half and half.” bblua 9. A charming cat with heterochromia Spicy_Poo 10. “You can hear him running from another galaxy.” Spicy_Poo 11. Little devil geek_fest Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Page 1 of 2Previous 12Next