Belgian Guy Captures Ugly Houses And It’s Hilarious, They’re Really Bad

Hannes Coudenys has a project of taking snaps of ugly houses in Belgium is loved by a lot of people and he jokes that it’s turned into almost a “cult.”

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1. Reminds Me Of ‘The Scream’ By Edvard Munch And That’s Exactly What I’m Doing

Belgian Ugly Houses

2. Malebox

Belgian Ugly Houses

3. Go Home House, You’re Drunk

Belgian Ugly Houses

4. I’m Not Supporting This. Just Like Those Columns

Belgian Ugly Houses

5. Jesus Christ

Belgian Ugly Houses

6. The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Has Expired

Belgian Ugly Houses

7. Exsqueeze Me

8. When You Discover There’s An Ugly Belgian House Under Your Ugly Belgian House

9. Please Restart Windows

10. I’m Stuck

Belgian Ugly Houses