The Riace Bronzes are ancient Greek statues found in the sea in 1972 near Riace, Calabria in Italy. Although the exact dating of the statues is controversial, the style and technique of the bronzes represent the art of bronzery in the 5th century BC. As the bronze statues from ancient Greek period were melted later, the Riace Bronzes are rare examples of its kind. As for their origin of place, scientists think that it is either Attica or Argolis in Peloponnese.

The identification of the statues is also controversial. Do they depict athletes, heroes, or deities? Their nudity is an emblem of divinity or heroism. Originally, they also had arms such as helmets and coat of arms. Their anatomy represent an ideal human body, and their height is 2m. Though the mystery goes on, they are generally called the Riace Warriors.

Today, it is possible to see the Riace Bronzes in the National Museum of Reggio Calabria.