The Sacro Bosco, also known as the Garden of Bomarzo or colloquially known as the Park of the Monsters is a monumental complex in northern Lazio, Italy. The design of the Park is attributed to Pirro Ligorio, and the sculptures to Simone Moschino. The Park is situated in a wooded valley beneath the castle of Orsini. Pier Francesco Orsini commissioned the building of the park to show his love for his wife. The park is famous for its big, grotesque sculptures that were mostly taken from Greek and Roman mythologies. These sculptures even gave the park its name.
Statue of Orcus
Orcus is the god of the underworld and one of the most famous sculptures of the Park of the Monsters. On his upper lip, the words ”Ogni Pensiero Vola” (All thoughts fly) are inscribed which is illustrated by the fact that the acoustics of the mouth mean that any whisper made inside is clearly heard by anyone standing at the base of the steps. Some art historians describe the doorway as ”The Hell Mouth”.