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Really subtle buzzing from lights in classrooms and gymnasiums. I swear to god that s**t is so annoying I’d rather learn in the dark.
When your pant pocket/earbud wire gets caught on the doorknob and pulls u back
Whenever I touch something that feels greasy or oily. Like a utensil, doorknob, or even a tube of tooth paste. Makes me cringe. Wash your nasty ass hands.
When people take their phone calls right next to you. My coworker is doing it right now on our lunch break as i write this.
Extra sh*tty points if they use the speaker phone option forcing you to be part of their conversation.
Forgetting that 1 thing from going shopping
The noise dogs make when they lick themselves
Pessimism at work. None of us wanna be here. Shut up and do your work so we can go home.
when you’re listening to music and people keep trying to talk to you. If I have both my ear pieces in, I don’t want to f**king talk to you.
When you’re trying to tell something to someone or a group of people and something interrupts you, then you forget what you meant to say