Manager Thinks His Pregnant Employee Slacks And Blames Her

A manager thinks his pregnant employee slacks and talks to her about her productivity. But, after a while, he thinks whether he was right or not to do this and asks people. “AITA for telling an employee that pregnancy is not an excuse for low productivity?” Here is a serious problem that is related to working conditions, pregnancy rights, and more. It is possible to have some physical hardness when women are pregnant, it is hard even emotionally.

People have different opinions about the situation, for example, while his wife calls him a**hole some people think he was right. Here are the story and people’s thoughts.

An office manager wanted to get the internet’s take about whether or not they’re a jerk for demanding that a pregnant employee be just as productive as before

pregnant employeeimage: futurestreet (not the actual photo)

pregnant employee

pregnant employee

pregnant employee

pregnant employee