Architects belonging to a famous studio known as Minima Moralia, Tomaso Boano and Jonas Prismontas, came up with a wonderful idea at the London Festival of Architecture in a bid to provide an alternative to the ever rising costs of studio spaces in UK. This is a wonderful option for people who have relatively less space and cannot afford a luxurious space.
It was created based on the idea of Theodor W Adorno, who had a masterpiece of the damaged lives based on the living conditions of people in London.
The architects wanted to create a thought to make people realize that creativity and social status are different things and hence, affordable spaces should be brought in. it is created using a steel frame and foldable walls. It was thrown open to the general public last month and there were a variety of festivals hosted.
Mimima Moralia: Website
Tomaso Boano: Website
Jonas Prišmontas: Website | Instagram