Overall Winner And Mammal Category Winner: Milko Marchetti “Stuck Squirrel”

Insect Category Winner: Jose Miguel Gallego Molina “Mantis Flamenca”

Highly Commended: Andy Rouse “Alright Mate, Back Off. This Is My Bird”

Highly Commended: Takashi Kubo “Mafia Boss”

Highly Commended: Ralph Robinson “Gang Of Four”

Highly Commended: Randy Herman “You’re Not My Mother”

Highly Commended: Jan Piecha “I’ll Tell You A Secret”

Fish & Other Aquatic Animals Category Winner: Przemyslaw Jakubczyk “Unexpected Role Swap”

Highly Commended: Artur Stankiewicz “I’m Too Sexy For My Love”

Highly Commended: Leslie Mcleod “Hide And Seek”