You may not have concerns about getting sunburn on Kepler, the reason is the star it orbits around, it is a red dwarf with dull beams of light. As a result when it is the utmost luminous part of the day it would not look so sunny for us.

So, Kepler might be a lot like Earth but it is just comparable because of structural resemblances, it should be noted that they do not share a star. Nonetheless, its exploration is important because it is the first planet that is found within the borders of the livable zone.

The 500 light years distance between the Earth and Kepler makes is beyond the bounds of possibility to make a visit to the planet using the available technology or any technology predictable in immediate future. Humans are not yet able to got to Mars and that is more than 34 million males away and one light year is more than 5 trillion miles.

We have no proof that Kepler is hosting any form of life yet it reminds us that there are planets like it out there which can be home to life in outer space. It is still a topic pf discussion whether these life-forms are visible to the naked eye or complicated life forms.