Men Are Sharing Things That Society Considered ‘Feminine’ But They Like Them Anyway

21. Watch romance comedies, some of them are funny, relaxing, and generally good movies.


22. Crocheting. It’s very relaxing and you create useful things. But almost every pattern I find is some kind of female clothing or accessory. There are pet toys but those are the only exceptions.

girly things men 000003eyes

23. Getting asked out.

girly things men blithetorrent,a befendo

24. Fresh flowers. I love lilies.

girly things men itsnotimportant2021,Olivia Kulbida

25. I love strawberry daiquiris.

girly things men usernamemc0989,Heidi Walley

26. I generally wear all black, but I wear hot pink sunglasses as my accent color. I also have a really unique necklace I like that they don’t make a “masculine” version of. So I just bought the women’s version cause I’m not that fragile lol

girly things men LambBrainz,Annie Theby

27. Manicures. I’ve only had it done twice but man it was so relaxing. Just having a moment of peace to myself not to mention the way my hands felt afterwards worth every penny.

girly things men Ibz89,Lena Myzovets

28. Strawberry Açaí Lemonade from Starbucks. That stuff is so good but you have to deal with all the comments on your fruity pink drink.

girly things men


29. Some women’s bodywash/soaps/lotions. The men’s stuff just smell like overaggressive nose-destroyers. The fact that these products are marketed to two different sexes doesn’t even make sense…


30. I haven’t seen this yet, so… color. I feel like society wants me to to just wear black/grey/white/navy blue, and it’s stupid. I have a pair of pink jeans that i love!!
