Italian Government Gives €500 to 18-Year-Olds to Buy Books, Museum Tickets, and More


After September 15th, there will be an exciting birthday gift for every person in Italy who turns 18-years-old. The Italian government is giving them €500 in what is called a “culture bonus.” This bonus will allow 18-year-olds to purchase tickets to national parks, theatrical performances, movies, concerts, and museums. It can also be used towards cultural books as well.

The way it works is like this. Once an Italian turns 18, they download an app called “” on their smartphone and register for the money vouchers on there. These credits are only available when they’re 18. This means when they turn 19-years-old the credits expire.

This culture bonus program is expected to cost the Italian government about €290 million. There is expected to be 575,000 Italian teens that will be eligible for this bonus. According to Parliamentary Undersecretary Tommaso Nannicini, the culture bonus is being given in order to help youngsters feel like they belong to a community that embraces them as they enter adulthood. In addition, the bonus will help young people realize the importance of the culture and beauty of its history.

The inspiration for the program came after the terrorist attacks took place in Paris last November. The Italian government wants young people to realize that culture and history are more powerful than the ignorance of modern day terrorism.

via [Independent, Telegraph]

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Photo credit: Cristian Puscasu / Shutterstock