These 11 Facts Not Everyone Knows About Human Skin Are Amazing…

1. Thousands of living mites are call your skin home! As horrific as it sounds, they are microscopic and are actually essential in keeping your skin nice and healthy.


2. Sun is great for the skin – but in the right amounts! Too much sun can cause some serious damage thanks to the ultraviolet rays. These can lead to several skin conditions as well as potentially doing irreversible damage.

Human Skin facts

3. Should any liver spots or other blemishes and marks on the skin appear, it is always worth a trip to the doctors to double check they are safe. Most are due to issues with producing melatonin and are in fact benign, but it never hurts to have them regularly checked on.

Human Skin facts

4. Anyone with pale skin has a low production rate of melatonin unless directly in the sunlight. Freckles are a result of exposure to sunlight rather than the skin darkening.

Human Skin facts

5. Acne is the ailment in which blackheads and spots remain on the skin for long periods of time. The condition is most common amongst teenagers, although there are adults with acne too.

Human Skin facts

6. When a pore is clogged and cannot reach the skins surface, a pimple or spot is the resulting infection and are known to be quite painful and annoying.

Human Skin facts