Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks Every Annoying Hipster Instagram Post

Instagram is a well-known home of hipsters and many people hate it.  Hipsters are known for their continuous attempts to be hip and authentic.  Usually all they succeed in doing is annoying other people.  This is where Hipster Barbie comes in, she points out everything that everyone else wants to but are too polite to. Each photo on Hipster Barbie’s Instagram features plenty of hashtags and “wise” quotes.  Upon seeing Barbie pose for these quotes even a hipster should realize how superficial they are.  The party behind Hipster Barbie wishes to remain anonymous but we do know that she is a wedding photographer.  Many people are subscribing to the Hipster Barbie’s posts and at the time of writing this 1.2 million followers. In an “interview” with Hipster Barbie she carries on with the mocking attitude and only wins herself more followers.  While hipster across the Pacific Northwest may be a little mad at Hipster Barbie, it is hard to deny that she is humorous.

More info: Instagram (h/t: designyoutrust)

“Waking up at 10am was so worth it to get that perfect light & fog”

Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks

“Taking a relaxing bath and feeling SO #BLESSED”

Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks

“Be the kind of leader that you would follow”

Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks

“I believe in the person I want to become”

Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks

“Coffee & Kinfolk. Cuz my lyfe is beautiful”

Hipster Barbie’s Instagram Mocks