Every Kid Needs A Dog, Here Is The Proof!

11. He Doesn’t Look Anything Like Us

adorable kids dogs friendship

12. My Son And Our Dog 20 Minutes After We Adopted Her

adorable kids dogs friendshipGonzoGaddy

13. I Think We Found Our Babysitter

adorable kids dogs friendshipFiveStands

14. Even If My Son So Much As Cries, He Rushes In To Save His Life. Best Buds

adorable kids dogs friendshipI_Ate_A_Queef

15. My Son’s Always Been A Hugger. My Dog Wasn’t Totally Comfortable With That At First, But He’s Come Around

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16. 3 Years Of Friendship

adorable kids dogs friendshipDanielHillSKW

17. My Daughter Is Home With A Fever. Puppy Therapy Has Commenced

adorable kids dogs friendshipCapnFancyPants

18. My Pup And I, Circa 1988

adorable kids dogs friendship


19. These Two Are Inseparable

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20. My Nephew And His Yellow Lab

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