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Impressive Underwater Sculptures
Handmade Carvings of El Jalacate
Victor’s Way: An Eccentric Sculpture Park in Ireland
Many Faces of The Bingen Forest
Ayutthaya Park: Ruins, Temples and Monkeys
Sculpted Rocks of Rothéneuf Carved by a Priest in Brittany
Grass Roots Square: A Miniature Art Installation in Norway
Architectural Marvels of Ancient Egypt
Dazu Rock Carvings: 1350-Year-Old World Heritage Site
Bulgarian State Monument: Heaviest Communist Monument on Earth
Vittoriano: Monument to the First King of Italy
Michelangelo’s Moses and the Mindblowing Details
Tallest Monuments to Authors
Villa Farnese: 500-Year-Old Italian Mansion
The Sand Museum of Tottori: World’s First Indoor Museum Dedicated to Sand Sculptures
Okazaki Shrine: Cutest Shrine in Kyoto
Moana Sapa Is Vietnam’s Most Serene Location
Virgin of the Panecillo: Tallest Statue of the Virgin Mary
The Northwest Trolls Roaming the Parks of North America