Formerly, Castello di Rivoli was the royal residence of the House of Savoy in Rivoli, Turin, Italy. Today, it has become the Museum of Contemporary Art of Turin. Since the opening of the museum in 1984, the museum has hosted numerous avant-garde exhibitions and radical art performances. The first mention of a castle at the site dates back to 1159. During the middle ages, this castle changed hands several times until the castle’s first formal reconstruction which turned the castle into a luxury manor.

Castello di Rivoli is the first contemporary art museum in Italy.

Inspired by the Versailles, the architect Filippo Juvarra designed the castle with Baroque elements in 1718. With the annexation of the region by France during the Napoleonic Wars, the castle lost its significance in 1861. A century later, the Italian architect Andrea Bruno took over the renovations of the structure, adding modern elements while also elevating the designs of the former architects.