A talented duo of artists known as Sister Golden are creating beautiful floral portraits using nothing but nature. The likes of dried leaves, fresh blossoms, and succulents are foraged from the forest to help create majestic portraits of flowery-females, with each piece of nature being meticulously arranged on a backdrop to great effect.
Often the lovely flower ladies are joined by scenic landscapes of nature or even some friendly animals, with Vicki Rawlings (one half of the talented duo) responsible for this recent collection of works.
As each piece of material is never stuck down, Rawlins returns them back into nature or will reuse them for a future piece.
There’s a freedom in knowing everything I’m doing is temporary,” she writes in her artist’s statement.
Additionally, the process of foraging for materials is just as meaningful as creating the art itself.
“The actual act of creating each piece, for me, is therapeutic, spending lots of time outside walking and foraging, truly in the moment, my eyes scanning every square inch of my surroundings,” she explains.
“A fallen leaf goes into the bag, later it may become an eyebrow or dog ear. I pick up thin twigs, hoping they’ll work as a cheekbone or chin. The possibilities seem endless!”
Sister Golden: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Blog | Twitter h/t: [Brown Paper Bag]