Found Fallen Tree Branch is Repurposed into Beautifully Unconventional Shelving

Booklovers and nature lovers alike will find something magical and fantastic about this exciting brand of bookshelf.  It is meant to store all of your books and have a great look to it at the same time. It mimics a long and graceful branch that stretches across your wall in a whimsical sense that will really make your look that much better.  Perfect for anyone who is looking for a way to improve the look of their living room or just get in touch with nature in an exciting and invigorating way, this is the best way to do it. You won’t lose your practicality with this shelf, though.  It is meant to store as much as you could want to with the impressive feature that you can separate all of your books exactly how you want to.  For organizers and those who like section ing things off, this is a huge plus!  Have some fun with this exciting and beautiful book shelf that will itself into a statement piece with no work needed from you!






In the past, Errazuriz has created other tree-inspired furniture:




Sebastian Errazuriz: Website | Instagram | Facebook via [Contemporist]