40 Interesting Behind The Scenes Facts That Will Make You Surprised

People always wonder what happens behind the scenes. Knowing some behind-the-scenes facts about the favorite movies makes people satisfied. A Reddit user asked, “What’s the greatest movie ‘behind-the-scenes’ fact you know?” and here are 40 of the most interesting behind-the-scenes facts.


behind the scenesNaweezy

While looking for a tattered coat for the character playing The Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, a costume assistant bought one from a second hand store. When the actor put the coat on he turned the pocket inside out – written in the pocket was the name L.Frank Baum who is the author of The Wizard of Oz books. Baum’s widow later identified the coat as actually having belonged to her husband



While filming Total Recall, Schwarzenegger noticed the Michael Ironside was constantly on the phone between takes. When he broached the subject with Ironside, he was told the he was phoning his sister and that she was currently suffering from cancer. Arnold immediately brought Michael to his trailer and they had an hour long 3 way conversation with the sister about what exercises to do and what kinds of foods she should be eating and really lifting her spirits. Ironside has never forgotten Schwarzenegger’s kindness and neither has his sister.


behind the scenesaddytude529

While filming Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Bella, the Neapolitan mastiff that played Fang, got very protective of Daniel Radcliffe, and would jump in front of him whenever the animatronic spider for Aragog would come out to defend him, resulting in then having to refilm the scene multiple times.



While filming Guardians of the Galaxy, they had to do several takes of some scenes because Chris Pratt kept making the pew pew sounds when he fired his raygun.


behind the scenesrognvaldr

During the filming of the Lord of the Rings, Christopher Lee corrected Peter Jackson on the sound of being stabbed in the back.

From the DVD commentary:

“When I was shooting the stabbing shot with Christopher, as a director would I was explaining to him what he should do”… “And he says, ‘Peter, have you ever heard the sound a man makes when he’s stabbed in the back?’ And I said, ‘Um, no.’ And he says ‘Well, I have, and I know what to do.’ “”

He had been involved in some super secret operations for the British during WWII, which is presumably where he knew that from.



In Scrubs the Janitor almost never read his script and just improvised his role. Bill Lawrence actually said that in the scripts, he had “whatever Neil says” on his lines.


An actual robber was fleeing a drug store (or some such similar establishment) and turned the corner onto the set of the finale of Leon (The Professional), in which Leon’s building is completely surrounded by cops. Upon seeing an army of actors dressed as policemen, the robber immediately surrendered.


In Apollo 13, they filmed in NASA’s “vomit comet”, a plane that flew at high altitudes and would create parabola movements to simulate a short period of low gravity. They built the Apollo spacecraft set inside the plane and almost every scene featuring zero gravity was filmed in the plane. They flew over 500 times in the parabola. From the time that low gravity simulation would start, they would only have 23 seconds to unstrap from restraints, set up a shot, roll, and then strap back in. They completed all of these flights in 13 days. THE MOST UNDERRATED MOVIE FACT OF ALL TIME! The only movie ever to film in actual Zero Gravity.


behind the scenesIAMA_dragon-AMA

In Life of Brian, the line after “yes, we’re all individuals”, “I’m not!” was ad-libbed, bumping the extra up in pay for now having a distinct speaking role.



In The Shawshank Redemption, there’s a scene where a guy feeds a maggot to a crow.

The American Humane Association made them find a maggot that had died of natural causes to feed to the crow. They wouldn’t have given the “no animals were harmed in the making of this film” at the end if they hadn’t.