Despite being somewhat redundant these days due to the developments in the transportation industry, train rides are still in use. Many prefer their own cars, buses, ferries, or planes for their obvious benefit: speed. However, if one looks at some of the most beautiful train rides, one would surely appreciate their worth and class.
Linha Do Doura/Portugal
Taking its name from the Doura River it mostly runs near, Linha Do Doura is one of the most beautiful train rides in Europe. It is 160 kilometers long and takes passengers from Porto to the towns of Doura Valley. The valley is famous for its vineyards of thousands of acres and its colorful tiles.

Although only 20 kilometers long, the Flasmbana train of Norway is an interesting ride for a reason. The train starts its route from the village of Flam which is on ground level. However, the road continues upwards and ends at Myrdal, the mountain station of Norway at 867 meters above the sea. Moreover, the ride comprises villages, flowers, and snowy landscapes.

First Passage to the West/Canada
Primarily a tourist attraction rather than an official service train, First Passage offers passengers a thorough scenery of Canada. Starting at urban Vancouver and then making its way to snowy mountains and then lush British Columbia, First Passage is an impressive ride. The company also provides two different packages in order to meet different demands.

TranZalpine/New Zealand
Covering more than 200 kilometers in just five hours, TranZalpine is as peculiar as its name. New Zealand’s pride, it crosses the Southern parts of the country which the locals call the Great Divide. The Southern regions are very much mountainous areas through which TranZalpine passes until it arrives at the town of Greymouth.

Glacier Express/Switzerland
In a world where every single thing is getting faster, the Glacier Express holds the distinction of being the slowest train in the world. Comparing it to the fastest one in Japan which is L0 Series MagLev traveling at 374 mph, it only reaches 24 mph. However, the route’s impressive Swiss scenery makes the ride worth it for many passengers.

Serra Verde Express/Brazil
Considered the best train ride in Brazil, the train of Serra Verde goes back for a long time. Originally, a French-Belgian company started the construction in the 19th century after getting permits to do so. It starts at Curitiba with its heavy forests and travels on viaducts that seem like they float in the sky, Serra Verde Express is a complete joy for its passengers.

Pacific Surfliner/The United States
Another train ride from the Americas where the history of railroad goes back to the Reconstruction era, after the end of the Civil War, the Pacific Surfliner’s route is more than 550 kilometers. It follows the coast of Southern California from San Diego to San Luis Obispo as the passengers could see the ocean for most of the ride.

Kandy-Ella/Sri Lanka
What many call “an unforgettable experience,” the train from Kandy to Ella is an interesting train ride aside from being one of the most majestic. Although the train route is actually longer, the train is named after one of its sections from Kandy to Ella. This is because the most beautiful scenery takes place between these cities with forests, old plantations, and mountains.