Seeing animals embrace each other with open arms can always melt the coldest of hearts. Throw in the fact they are baby animals and then nobody stands a chance of not getting giddy at the sight of them. This is exactly what happened at Wild Action Zoo in Victoria, Australia when 8 month old kangaroo Reuben greeted new residents Edi and Eli – a pair of day old emu chicks. The snaps of them snuggling together are too cute to comprehend, so it is little surprise the images went viral. The pair of chicks was brought in by zoologist Christ Humfrey who saved the fluffy guys from being snapped up by feral foxes. “The father emu ‘Elvis’ would not have been able to protect the chicks from being eaten at night,” he explained to Buzzfeed. “Now these bundles of fluff sleep next to my fireplace… they all live quite happily together.” Sadly it is only a short term arrangement, as once the chicks get big enough they will be release back into the caring hands of their parents.
via [Lost At E Minor]