A Viral Math Question That Has 2 Solutions!

The creator of the riddle-slash-math-question notes that this isn’t a simple equation, and it requires some creative thinking.

“Firstly, think outside the box! This math riddle is not that simple,” the user writes. “Even though there’s usually one right answer for math problems, two common solutions are causing heated debates all over the world!”

Here’s the question:

Solution 1: Add the equation, then combine the sum to that of the previous equation.

Let’s do this together.

First line: 1 + 4 = 5

Second line: 2 + 5 = 7. So add the first sum of the previous equation, like so: 5 + 7 = 12

Third line: 3 + 6= 9, so add 9 + 12 = 21.

Solution: 8 + 11 = 19, so add 19 + 21 = 40.

40 is a widely accepted and correct answer. However, it’s not the only correct one.

Solution 2: Instead of just adding, this second solution involves multiplying the second number of the equation by the number you are adding to it.

First line: 1 + (4 x 1) = 5

Second line: 2 + (5 x 2) = 12

Third line: 3 + (6 x 3) = 21

Solution: 8 + (11 x 8) = 96  

So either 40 or 96 are correct answers to this question. Consider our minds blown.