30 Winners of The Greatest Photoshop Battles Ever

Every now and then, a photo so ambiguous emerges, it’s just begging to be featured on the subreddit r/PhotoshopBattles. Featured below are the winners from the past few years.

1. Man Holding Fish While Bear Stands Behind Him

Greatest Photoshop Battles Eversweet-101,ILL_DO_THE_FINGERING

2. This Cunning Duckling

Greatest Photoshop Battles Evermohamadmu

3. This Dad And Son Cat

Greatest Photoshop Battles EverFXavier86,workingat7

4. These Micro-Mushrooms On A Leaf

Greatest Photoshop Battles EverEjeb,Spankler

5. This Tree That Was Struck By Lightning

Greatest Photoshop Battles Evermoviescriptlife,ILL_DO_THE_FINGERING

6. A Hawk Staring At The Camera

Greatest Photoshop Battles Everpinpinbo,artunitinc

7. This Mount Fuji, Japan – Pink Valley

Greatest Photoshop Battles EverGraveBreath,Zacshairy

8. This Fishing Leopard

Greatest Photoshop Battles Ever


9. Dog In Shoes Leading The Way

Greatest Photoshop Battles Evernewt16,mandal0re

10. This Smirking Dog

Greatest Photoshop Battles Everreva_r,DoofusMagnus