40 Photos of Pitt Bulls Mixed with Other Breeds

Dogs are lovely too as much as our indispensable cats. Although sometimes people have bad thoughts about Pit Bulls, we know that they have a warm heart like all other breeds. Here are 40 cute photos of Pit Bulls mixed with other breeds.

1. Pit Bull + Australian Cattle Dog

mixed breedsreddit.com

2. Pit Bull + Corgi


3. Pit Bull + Lab

mixed breedsreddit.com

4. Pit Bull + Husky


5. Pit Bull + German Shepherd

mixed breedsimgur.com

6. Pit Bull + Australian Shepherd


7. Pit Bull + Beagle

mixed breedsBladebaker

8. Pit Bull + Bulldog


9. Pit Bull + Rottweiler

mixed breedsdogtime

10. Pit Bull + Great Dane
