20 Mind-Boggling Sculptures that Defy The Laws of Physics

11. A football player, New Zealand

sculptures that defy gravitykaren

12. Stairway to heaven, Australia

sculptures that defy gravity© Michael Blair

13. A flying stone, Egypt

sculptures that defy gravitytalkingbeautifulstuff

14. An upside down car, UK

sculptures that defy gravitythecreatorsprojectn

15. A giant tap, Switzerland

sculptures that defy gravity© Bill Liao

16. Jaguar car exhibition, UK

sculptures that defy gravityhjudah

17. Levitating sleeping baby, Singapore

sculptures that defy gravityanamericaninhanoi

18. Gulliver’s handkerchief, New Zealand

sculptures that defy gravity


19. A coffee table on a hula hoop, Italy

sculptures that defy gravitycattelanitalia

20. Sand sculptures, Puerto Rico

sculptures that defy gravity© Matt Kaliner