Some Absolutely Crucial Advice: How To Recognise A Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens

If you or someone who love has every suffered from a heart attack, you know the pain and the terror that it can bring you.  If you have a family history of heart attacks, it’s best to make sure that you get checked regularly by your doctor to ensure that you are in good health and you aren’t at risk for a heart attack.  Here are some great tips, however, for recognizing a heart attack a month before it happens.  If you feel all of these regularly, you should go see your doctor ASAP.


1. Fatigue, dizziness and weakness

If you have chronic fatigue, regular dizziness and weakness, it could be because your arteries are becoming narrow and not allowing you to get the right amount of blood pumping that you need.  Your muscles will become weak from lack of blood flow, and your heart needing to beat harder will make you tired more often.  Dizziness means that your brain isn’t getting the oxygen that it needs, so you will get dizzy when moving or even sitting still.

2. Shortness of breath and chest pressure

Your heart and lungs depend off of one another, so if you heart is having to work harder to pump blood, this means that your lungs are working harder, too.  As a result, you’ll find that you are short of breath often and there will also be pressure on your chest.  These are more severe signs that you should take seriously as a sign that you are having heart problems.  These kind of symptoms are common nearer to the time when your heart attack may happen.

3. Cold or flu symptoms

If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms that come on quickly and without any kind of provocation, is could be a possibility that you are going to experience a heart attack in the near future.  Many who have survived attacks say that they felt like they had a flu or cold just days before their attack without any kind of reason that they could understand.  If you are feeling sick and have all of the other symptoms that you have been discussed, it may be time to go see a doctor.

How to handle this:

When it comes to your heart-health, there is never a wrong time to go.  It’s better to go for a false alarm than ignore the signs and discover the hard way that they were pointing to a heart attack.  If you are worried about your heart, then go see a doctor at your first convenience.  Your health is important.

Source: thespiritscience