20 Wholesome Animals That Will Put A Warm Smile On Your Face Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Here are 20 wholesome animals that will put a warm smile on your face. Here are more wholesome animals posts. 1. He is not a BULLdog for nothing. Tofuthebully / Instagram 2. The Creation of CAT-dam yulmoo_the_cat / Twitter 3. “Our new kitty has 24 toes.” thelemonx / reddit 4. “I high-fived a bumblebee!” vraez / reddit 5. “The way my cat waits for me outside the bathroom” Faris-Hilton / reddit 6. “He carries around his best friend and props it up to look out the window with him, then protects it with his leg.” cutemove / reddit 7. “I saw this fox riding in a car like a dog.” Michaela76 / reddit 8. “It must be hard to be a cat. Winston fell asleep watching TV with us like a 50-year-old man.” rk_sauce / reddit 9. Birdception timcharper / reddit 10. “This is Sirius! His true colors come out when he stands in the sun.” Aabelke / reddit Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Page 1 of 2Previous 12Next