Module K designers redesigned a traditional movie theater, Ho Chi Min City’s Beta Cinema in a vibrant colorful style. Designed to celebrate the beauty of old Saigon, this cinema is finished with bold colors and forms to reimagine typically dark aesthetics found in older cinemas. The architects explain that the fresh color palette–which includes flamingo pink, sea green, and bright orange—and the geometric detailing is inspired by the vintage glamour of Art Deco architecture.
Ho Chi Min City’s Beta Cinema was redesigned in a vibrant colorful style

Module K describes this playful aesthetic as a contemporary version of classic vernacular themes. “We captured the iconic features of Saigon and transformed them by stripping details, condensing the basic lines, and turning them into geometric shapes,” says Jade Nguyen, director of Module K. “Then we applied a technique of solid color treatment, as used in graphic design and cartoons, to bring a unifying element.”

Geometric detailing is inspired by the vintage glamour of Art Deco architecture