15 Surprisingly Lazy People Who Made Terrible And Hilarious Things

Here are 15 lazy people who made terrible and hilarious things.

1. “Spotted in Target — next level fashion.”

lazy people© EkkoWan / Reddit

2. “I painted the fence, boss.”

© extraSauce88 / Reddit

3. “Good enough…”

lazy people© JeIIokitty / Reddit

4. “Done adding the security tag.”

© Polymer15 / Reddit

5. “Did the painting job on the sidewalk!”

lazy people© AlanT43 / Reddit

6. The author really has a way with words.

© Dudeface34 / Reddit

7. “Clockception time, guys”

lazy people© onebit / Reddit

8. “Landlord painted over a penny.”

© LicenseTo**** / Reddit

9. “Package has been delivered safely.”

lazy people© GuyInSugarLand / Reddit

10. “Rails are installed. What do you think?”

© theshrike / Reddit

11. “The lazy guy at work”

lazy people© Prowizardnet / Reddit

12. People at this university surely know what they’re doing.

© Hussein_talal / Reddit

13. “Welded the frame, boss.”

lazy people© flameboy50001 / Reddit

14. “Instead of cleaning the air vent, my local petrol station just hung an air freshener from it.”

© YouD***InInfinityWar / Reddit

15. “True art cannot be contained.”

lazy people© JackieSmazz / Reddit