Compound in the Woods
Who would have thought that being this close to road and appearing like a some secret service building this mysterious structure could be a house?A clear case of do not jugde a house by it exterior.
Knock…but Nobody’s Home
Looking empty and abandoned, a knock on any semblance of a door will probably given you no response as it appears everyone is out.
Watch It Evolve
A closer look at what you would assume is the front would reveal a descending staircase.yes it is no Government compound but still full of surprises.
Windows Open, Doors Up
It doesn’t take time to discover that this mysterious looking fortress is actually a house>A beautiful house with a lawn ,lovely furniture, and dazzling sunlight.One couldn’t ask for more.
A Modern Marvel
It is surprising but true that a dull, windowless structure which appears like a store room can be converted into a house that anyone would marvel at when visiting.
You May Enter
In a stroke of architectural genius, the front door is designed to be lowered down like that of medieval castles.
Become This?
With a view like this, the house looks like it was pulled out of a dream or some geniuses imagination. Astonishing beauty!