Designer Turns Her Ordinary Bathroom Into an Extraordinary Work of Art Inspired by Nature


If you are someone who loves the idea of a DIY project, take a look at this.  These walls show off some pretty incredible bathroom art that was inspired by the fact that the boxes under the bed of this fashion designer were too full to store any more drawings.  So, she made do by taking them and putting them onto her wall.  This enabled her to be totally in charge of how she decorated her plain, small bathroom, too.

You can take a look at this bathroom and see the worth for itself.  It is impressive by any standards, and it’s neat to see that she made it all work simply by using the things that she already had in her world to make it.

Take a look at the detailing and tell me that it isn’t impressive…it takes a lot of guts and strength to be able to take on a huge project like this and make it work for you and the room that you are working with.  This fantastic designer did both.  If her bathroom looks this good, just take a look at her fashion store and see for yourself that this woman is more than qualified to bring you a full, nature-inspired wardrobe that will impress you to no end.  Maybe she’ll even take care of your bathroom, too.  You never know!










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