The Moment When This Pregnant Stray Choose Her Human Family

This stray cat just showed up at the door and waltzed on in. She’s hasn’t left since!

“Hi. Can I come lives with you?”

“Feels warmer in here!”

Looks like this family now has a cat. :)

“We had never had a cat before and it has been a learning experience to say the least,” fishtank88 shared on reddit.

They cleaned her up and trimmed her matted fur. No one claimed the cat so they happily adopted her.

They soon found out though she had a few roommates coming.

“She kept getting wider and sleeping more, we knew she was pregnant.”

Mom gave birth to these 3 healthy cuties!

“Watching these kittens grow up has been fantastic.”

The kittens have loving homes already lined up once they’re old enough. Mama will be spayed after.

6 weeks and absolutely adorable!

This stray choose her human family – and just another reminder that most of the time cats choose us!
