What Ordinary People Eat Around The World, In Photographs

Peter Menzel is an American Photographer that recently traveled the world to chronicle photos for his latest project.

‘What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets’ is a collection of photographs that depict the various foods that are consumed on a daily basis by individuals from across the world.

The images provided a fascinating insight into how something as universal as eating food can be so varied throughout the globe. There are many factors that can influence what a person eats, from the cultures and customs of their countries to the current standard of living they find themselves in.

Take a look at some of the most interesting images from Peter’s book! Each one showcases all the different types of foods individuals from all walks of life eat in a single day.

Saleh Abdul Fadlallah

A camel broker from Cairo, Egypt. He eats 3,200 calories of food a day.


Robina Weiser-Linnartz

A master baker and confectioner from Cologne, Germany. 3,700 calories a day.


Conrad Tolby

American long-distance truck driver. 5,400 calories a day.


Jill McTighe

A classroom assistant from London, UK. 12,300 calories on a “bingeing” day in the month.


Saada Haidar (left) – The head monk (right)

A house wife from Sanaa, Yemen. 2,700 calories a day. The head monk (right) of a Tibetan monastery, 4,900 calories a day.


Takeshi Masato

A Sumo wrestler from Nagoya, Japan. 3,500 calories a day.


Katherine Navas

A high school student from Caracas, Venezuela. 4,000 calories a day.


Mariel Booth (left) – Sitarani Tyaagi (right)

A model and student from New York. 2,400 calories a day. An ascetic Hindu priest from Ujjain, India. 1,000 calories a day.


Zu Zhipeng

A freelance computer graphics artist. 1,600 calories a day.


Noolkisaruni Tarakuai

The third of four wives of a Maasai chief. 800 calories a day.


Lan Guihua

A widowed farmer from Ganjiagou Village, Sichuan Province, China. 1,900 calories a day.


Oswaldo Gutierrez (left) – Bruce Hopkins (right)

An Oil Platform worker from Venezuela. 6,000 calories a day. A life guard from Sydney, Australia. 3,700 calories a day.


Willie Ishulutak

An Innuit soapstone carver from Iqaluit, Canada. 4,700 calories a day.


Oscar Higares

A professional bullfighter from Miraflores De La Sierra, Spain. 4,200 calories.

ordinary-people-eat-around-world-photosPeter Menzel