Beth Moon Returns to Photograph the World’s Oldest Trees at Night

Beth Moon is one of the most talented and dedicated photographers around, as showcased by her latest collection of photographs. For the better part of a decade, Beth captured the images of the world’s oldest trees, and this time around she aimed to do so beneath a blanket of stars.

oldest trees

This time around she concentrated on finding rare specimens across southern Africa, with the likes of South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia all destinations on her journey. A guide would take her out to some of the most remote locations imaginable, where she would find the perfect trees for her project, appropriately named ‘Diamond Nights’.

Upon finding the ideal tree specimens as far away from civilization as possible, she would place a market with some stones, returning at nightfall to capture them with the backdrop of the night sky. The images she captured are truly majestic, with the trees lit up by the starry skies. The fact that these trees remain untouched for so long and are hidden away from people, gives an insight into the connection between the skies and nature.


oldest trees


oldest trees

Moon notes this feeling, having spent hours at a time in harmony with the trees and the night sky,” Our relationship to the wild has always played an important role in my work. This series was inspired by two fascinating, scientific studies that connect tree growth with celestial movement and astral cycles,” Each image is aptly named after the star constellation that fills the background of the photograph. Beth Moon’s Website


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oldest trees


oldest trees




oldest trees


oldest trees


oldest trees


oldest trees


oldest trees


oldest trees


oldest trees