He Tattooed 50 Names On His Body… You’ll Be Sad When You Find Out Why.

14th February 2015 was one of the most crucial days for the Swedish Soccer Player Zlatan Ibrahaimovic as the game played on that day was of high importance for him. He wanted to focus on his accomplishments on that particular day and did not want anyone else to accuse him.

But on that day, he tattooed the names of 50 people on his chest and back. The names tattooed were of people who are suffering from extreme hunger and he wanted the world to realize that there were 805 million people suffering from hunger as of today.

The tattoos were due to his association with World Food Programme, one of the largest organization in the world that fights hunger. They have their programs in over 75 countries and have assisted over 80 million people from all over the world and are planning to create awareness among people about hunger from all over the world.