In today’s highly modernized and industrialized cities, one looks for a place where they can have a fresh breath of air, a break from the crowd. While in many cities this is not possible, some of the largest urban parks provide people of some of the crowdiest cities with lush and calming scenery.
Central Park / USA
Arguably the most famous urban park is New York City’s Central Park. Completed in 1876, Central Park is one of the largest urban parks as well as one of the oldest. It is in the middle of the city and is 4 kilometers long with a half a kilometer width. More than 40 million people visit Central Park every year. Surely, this further shows how it is a true icon of NYC.

Phoenix Park / Ireland
Originally a hunting ground in the 17th century, Phoenix Park in Dublin is one of the largest urban parks in Europe. It is actually an enclosed urban park as it has a wall that surrounds it for 16 kilometers. Furthermore, Phoenix Park is such an important place for Ireland that it has its own separate legislation. For instance, the rangers in the park have the authority to remove or arrest visitors who misbehave.

Chapultepec Park / Mexico
Considered as one of Mexico City’s lungs, centering on the ancient Chapultepec Hill, Chapultepec Park is one of the largest urban parks in Latin America. It contains four sections which have a zoo, a castle, museums, and other various attractions. Moreover, the park is also home to the presidential residence. Nearly 15 million people visit Chapultepec Park every year.

Kings Park / Australia
One of the most popular tourist attractions of Perth, Australia, Kings Park is visited by 5 million people every year. It is home to hundreds of native plants and birds. Consequently, not only it is a place to breathe for Australians but also a safe haven for natural life as well. In addition, it is a place of respect for the soldiers who died in WW2.

Stanley Park / Canada
Covering nearly half of downtown Vancouver, Stanley Park of Canada has a long history. Prior to colonization in the 19th century, the area was under the control of the natives for thousands of years. Unlike many urban parks, Stanley Park is not the result of architectural craftsmanship or anything. Rather, it is the result of two areas, forest and urban, mixing together over time.

Metropolitan Park / Chile
Santiago Metropolitan Park is located in the capital of Chile, Santiago. With 772 hectares, it is one of the largest urban parks in the world. Although its construction was fully finished in the late 1960s, the park was taking shape starting from the early 1900s. The park is full of attractions such as gardens, zoos, cable cars, pools, and the statue of the Virgin Mary.