Six pictures that show what’s really going on in the minds of introverts


A new series by Liz Fosslien, who is a famous illustrator, has illustrated how the minds of introverts work. As she is an introvert herself, she decided to portray how introverts are during a typical day and how they are actually thinking of multiple things at the same time rather than indulging in any type of conversation.

Have a look at these visual insights.

Introverts take time before responding. However, they are attentive and kind.


Introverts get bored too soon with their surrounding and hence, it is normal for them to yawn.


They prefer reading books or indulging themselves in any activity.


They do not feel any panic and can be great gamblers.


They can read a book and also listen to someone. They are multi-capable.


They can remain calm without caring much about anything around!


Quiet Revolution