See How the Shape of the ‘Perfect’ Body Has Changed Over the Last 100 Years Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link In the 1960s, dresses shrunk to suit the favoured petite frame as sported by Twiggy Twiggy Back came the curves in 1970 – the era of the long, lean dancing queen Farrah Fawcett By the Eighties, the British woman was on the way to a healthy figure with Elle MacPherson being the ideal Elle MacPherson The Nineties was the decade of ‘the waif’ popularised the ‘heroin chic’ look seen on Kate Moss Kate Moss By the Millennium, women strived for an athletic figure like Britney Spears Christina Aguilera Today, the Facebook generation look to body icons such as curvy, big bottomed Kim Kardashian Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Page 2 of 2Previous 12Next post