Hauntingly Beautiful Photos of Deserted Cars Enveloped by Nature

A photographer from Paris, who is natively from America, Peter Lippman, came up with a world of stationary and abandoned cars that have actually proven to be serene by nature and the work is called Paradise Parking. It is a personal project and took over two years to capture abandoned cars from the past few years, where roots and leaves have grown into the cars, giving them an astonishing look. The vehicles look rustic and have the shades of nature, making it a wonderful scene for the spectators to watch.

It looked like underwater clicks of sunken ships, until we took a closer look at it. When we look at it, it shows how civilizations have changed everything in our surroundings. It is beautiful yet fascinating to see how nature has enveloped these cars over the period. It would be more stunning to look at it in the next few years. However, you would still enjoy looking at it now. These collections are placed at the Sophie Maree Gallery and you can scroll down to have a look at it.

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Deserted Cars

Peter Lippman: Website h/t: [Colossal]