Artist Immortalize Endangered Butterflies As Glass Sculptures

Artist Laura Hart creates striking glass sculptures inspired by nature. Her Lepidoptera series depicts endangered and rare butterflies that are awe-inspiring in their attention to detail. The glass sculptures are about seven inches wide when they completed.

Laura Hart: Facebook

Spanish Moon Moth

glass butterflies

Periander Metalmark


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Queen Alexandra Birdwing


Lesser Purple Emperor

Zebra Swallowtail

Mother of Pearl Morpho

endangered butterflies

Salamis Temora

endangered butterflies

Yellow Swallowtail

Scarlet Mariposa

endangered butterflies

Cairns Birdwing

Sylphina Angel

Kaiser I Hind

butterfly glass sculptures

Scarce Bamboo

Scarce Swallowtail

butterfly glass sculptures