Adorable Miniature Horses Provide Therapeutic Benefits for People in Need

Have you ever been in a situation to use the services of a therapy dog?  They are important healing creatures that are said to be helpful to those who need the emotional and spiritual support after a tragedy.  They have been very successful and are quickly building in popularity in nursing homes, rehab centres, and hospitals. A new animal is in town for the therapy sessions, however, miniature ponies!  These beautiful small-sized horses are great at interpreting others’ emotions and providing support and love in just the right way that will help the client.  These adorable creatures are pushing themselves into the business of animal therapy and are making quite a show for themselves.  Though some feel as though the horses are fighting the dogs, in reality, they are simply helping provide the same resources, so everyone gets a chance to get the help they need from these kind loving animals.

Gentle Carousel: Website | Facebook via [The Huffington Post]




