15 Pics Of Cats Using Your Carefully Chosen Gifts

1. “My Cat Being A Jerk, Then Laughing At Me”

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2. $25 Cat Bed. She Chose The Dust Pan

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3. “So I Bought My Cat A Scratching Post”

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4. Cat Logic

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5. “Sleep Inside? No”

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6. I Swear, Cats Can Be Comfortable Anywhere

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7. Finally Found A Comfy Spotound A Comfy Spot


8. Cat Logic

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9. “it’s Just Like The Sink” They Said. Thirty Dollars Later And My Cat Is Still An Asshole

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10. “That’s It… I’m Done.. I Am Done Buying Things For My Cat”

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11. Found The Perfect Bed

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12. Double the softness! why not?

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13. Don’t Bother Buying A Bed For Your Cat

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14.” Got My Cat A Bed For Christmas”

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15. Cat Logic

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