30 Photos Of Things Looking Like Delicious Food But You Should Not Try To Eat (New Pics)

These things are most seemingly edible but you should not even try! Here is a list compiled from the best examples of things look like food.

Part I | Part II

1. Forbidden Mayonnaise

forbidden snacksMrFluffytheLion

2. Manatees Being Fed Sweet Potatoes. While Looking Like Sweet Potatoes

forbidden snackschompthecake

3. Grape Agate From Indonesia

forbidden snacksYulinka17

4. Forbidden Everything

forbidden snacksJPL_Reader

5. Forbidden Ramen

forbidden snacksBritish-

6. Sea Glass, Looks Like Candy

look like foodE-catherine

7. Carved Green Onyx Gemstone Grapes. I’m Salivating


8. Lately, I’ve Been Having A Craving For Grilled Cheese, Then I Noticed My Calendar And It All Made Sense

look like food


9. A Giant Broccoli


10. This Rock Looks Like A Steak

look like foodDisclosedIntent