The Finalists Of The 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

11. “The Wink” By Kevin Lohman

An American Red Fox casually walked up to the edge of the woods and sat down, then turned around and gave a wink. Moments later, this sly fox disappeared into the trees.

Comedy Wildlife
© Kevin Lohman/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

12. “Romantic” By Valtteri Mulkahainen

Comedy Wildlife
© Valtteri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

13. “Keep Calm And Keep Your Head” By Martin Grace

Two King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at Volunteer Point in the Falklands. The right hand bird may have an inscrutable expression but it must be wondering where its mate’s head has gone. Perhaps it is a Rudyard Kipling scholar: ‘If you can keep your head when all about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you.

Comedy Wildlife
© Martin Grace/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

14. “Say Cheeeese” By Arturo Telle Thiemann

A couple of triggerfish looking into the camera, captured at the Azores.Even they may look funny, these fish can be quite aggressive. In this case they didn’t attempt to bite me, but the domeport of my camera housing ended up with some scratches… life is hard… at least it wasn’t me who was hurt.

Comedy Wildlife
© Arturo Telle Thiemann/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

15. “Maniacs” By Saverio Gatto

Lappet-faced Vultures in display.

Comedy Wildlife
© Saverio Gatto/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

16. “It’s All Kicking Off!” By Michael Eastwell

Apart from its beauty, Cape Hillsborough is renowned for its resident kangaroos and wallabies. I visited the area for three consecutive sunrises, but it was on my final morning that I captured this beautiful spectacle, two wallabies playing / fighting on the beach as the sun burst through the surrounding clouds.

© Michael Eastwell/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

17. “Shark Moose” By Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven

Is this bull moose smiling … or getting ready to attack!?

© Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

18. “Uncomfortable Pillow” By Andrew Peacock

These elephant seal weaners were practising their jousting skills for many minutes before they collapsed in exhaustion. One looks to be resting far more comfortably than the other!

© Andrew Peacock/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

19. “Stop And Stare” By Andy Evans

After hearing Borneo’s borders would reopen again in April 2022 I couldn’t wait to visit and photograph some of the weird and wonderful wildlife on the island. After 2 years with no tourists it seemed like the wildlife was just as shocked to see me as I was to see them. This young proboscis monkey watched in amazement as I cruised by on the kinabatangan river.

© Andy Evans/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

20. “Rushing Little Owl Fledgeling” By Shuli Greenstein

I was told that I can find a lot of little owls in the Judean Lowlands in Israel. So, I went on a journey early in the morning and really, I found a lot of little owls standing on the ground, on stones, near the nest and on tree branches. Suddenly, my eyes were caught by two fledgelings that were playing with each other on the ground. One of them crossed my field of vision. I started taking pictures in sequence and this is what came out…

© Shuli Greenstein/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022