Photographer Shoots Fashion Photos on Top of the World’s Deepest Lake

Siberia’s Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest and clearest, is picturesque all on its own. Yet when you add incredible fashion and colorful lighting, it takes on a new air of magic. Photographer Kristina Makeeva produced a stunning set of images that show off the majestic scenery and equally exquisite garments. Makeeva worked in collaboration with SmugMug and placed fashion that would highlight the landscape also create a surreal atmosphere.

SmugMug followed Makeeva as she created this dreamscape fantasy for the short film Imagination Unbound. In it, Makeeva discusses how her childhood growing up in the grey suburbs of Moscow caused her creativity to flourish.

Coming to Lake Baikal for the shoot was a natural choice for Makeeva. “Baikal is a very beautiful place but it’s also a very spiritual place,” she shares in the film. “It has an energy that you can feel. It has a transcendental element that really drives my creativity. It’s another world and one of my favorite places on earth.”

Here are some photos she captured during the trip!

Kristina Makeeva: Instagram

blue huge dress
fashion on frozen lake
fashion photo shoot

fashion on ice