20 Eye-Opening Photos That Prove Nature Is Full of Mysteries

11. Incredibly rare baby albino sea turtle

Eye-Opening Photos

12. As it turns out, it is possible to draw with bacteria.

13. A regular ant like we’ve never one seen before

14. Mexican Ajolote meets How To Train Your Dragon

Eye-Opening Photos

15. The incisors of beavers are orange because they contain iron. That iron makes their teeth stronger and better able to cut through wood.

Eye-Opening Photos

16. This sea slug, which looks like a leaf, can go without eating for 9 months because it can photosynthesize just like a plant while basking in the sun!

Eye-Opening Photos

17. The worlds tiniest and most poisonous dart frog is about 10mm large and is 100x more powerful than morphine.

Eye-Opening Photos

18. Known as the wrap-around spider, this spider can flatten and wrap its body around tree limbs as camouflage.

Eye-Opening Photos

19. Cynarina coral goes by a simpler name — “cat’s eye coral”

20. A 54-million-year-old gecko trapped in amber

Eye-Opening Photos