37 Creepy Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards To Horrify The One You Love

They don’t make Valentines like they used to…

1. Start by being honest with your feelings.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

2. Love is no accident.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

3. Show them you have a cooking side.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

4. But also a vengeful one.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

5. Make their heart race.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

6. When yes means yes and no also means yes.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

7. Show them that they don’t really have a choice.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

8. Don’t be afraid to go full blown psycho.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

9. Show them you have the best intentions.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

10. Don’t be coy.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

11. Love goes really well with politics.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

12. A little subtlety can go a long way.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

13. A little emotional blackmail can also go a long way.

Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards